daddy i miss you! im at dallas's for her sweet sixteen! ive had a good time but i wish it was you that was comin to pick me up tomorrow not mom! liz is being induced tomorrow yay! i wish i could see you! it helps being with friends but the pain never fully goes away! i dont think there has been a day in my life that i havent talked to you until now! and it sucks! did you like your punkin? i couldnt stand you not havin one! im watchin rodeo :) waitin for broncs to come on!! allie is comin down on the 14th! and aunt lolo is comin on tuesday i think! i cant wait to see both of them! i still havent gotten to see johnifer or WH. oh speaking of him he hasnt talked to me since he was bitchin about the 13 yr old! jackie keeps tryin to hook up with grandma if he dont stop im gonna take up your place and i'll use your saying for this by the time im done with him he will be "walkin like a broke dick dog" hahahahahaha but no im for real he is really pisssin me off! do you miss me? cause i miss you. had DL you should be proud of me im your buckaroo! me and grandma have been gettin in to it lately. its not my fault that i get an additude when she questions everything i do like im a mental midget 5 year old! hey dad you remeber that one time we were comin home from chippas pw and you were laughing so hard at bobbie lee that you about ran us off the road? him in his pink thong with a ball hangin out both sides! hahahahaha i love you pops and i miss you! thank you for letting me dream of you a few mights ago! i will forever be grateful for you letting me see your face once again! please let there be more times than that i realllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy miss you like you dont ever know! so what are you comin back as in your second life? a bet its something stupid! ;) well tay wants to get on so imma go! i love you daddy!! sweet dreams my beautiful daddy!!
<3always hlk forever daddys little boy and always daddys little girl!